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i tried to play the game with Parallel desktop (on mac), but it couldn't run (or flash quit upon starting)

but MAMEP works tho


Honestly I don't really know if this can be solved. This thing runs on and old engine and I haven't been able to get the export options for anything besides Windows working :(

Only thing I can think of would be getting a Windows VM and copy-pasting the executable there.

thanks for the reply:) will try a different virtual desktop tho, but the game looks really great!


game good bug bad😁👍

Can you give more info about the bug? Knowing this project, it's probably some dumb mistake in the code.

Is this game using a custom engine?


No, it uses an old Game Maker version (1.4.1567) because that's the one it was originally made on. I tried porting it to Game Maker 2 once but it didn't work.


Ah, I see thanks! Also great game, im digging the surreal artstyle :)

What earthly substance do I need to consume to fully immerse myself in this art style?


virus detected?😦


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but whatever antivirus you're using isn't good and is giving you false positives.

It's probably a false positive, antiviruses tend to hate single .exe files. I always get a warning from my own antivirus when testing a new version of this game and no virus (yet).



